

圣诞节夜景美丽的描写Christmas is a Christian holiday hld on Dcmbr 25 which clbrats th birth of Jsus Christ. astrn Orthodox Churchs, which us th Julian Calndar to dtrmin fast days, clbrat on January 7 by th Grgorian Calndar. Both dats ar mrly traditional and nithr is thought to b th actual birthdat of Jsus. Christ's birth, or nativity, is said to fulfill Old Tstamnt prophcis concrning th coming of a mssiah, or savior.Th word Christmas is drivd Middl nglish Christmass and from Old nglish Crists m?ss.[1] It is a contraction maning Christ's mass. Th nam of th holiday is oftn shortnd to Xmas bcaus Roman lttr X rsmbls th Grk lttr Χ (chi), an abbrviation for Christ (Χριστ??).In Wstrn countris, Christmas has bcom th most conomically significant holiday of th yar. Th popularity of Christmas can b tracd in part to its status as a wintr fstival. Many culturs hav thir most important holiday in wintr bcaus thr is lss agricultural work to do at this tim. xampls of wintr fstivals that ar blivd by som to hav influncd Christmas includ th pr-Christian fstivals of Yul and Saturnalia.In Wstrn cultur, th holiday is charactrizd by th xchang of gifts among frinds and family mmbrs, som of th gifts bing attributd to Santa Claus (also known as Fathr Christmas, Saint Nicholas, and Fathr Frost). Howvr, various local and rgional Christmas traditions ar still practicd, dspit th widsprad influnc of Amrican, British and Australian Christmas motifs dissminatd by film, popular litratur, tlvision, and othr mdia.


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