我的理想(My ideal)


我的理想(My idal)"My idal" (Author : A fourth-grad studnts, mal, Parnts markts slling chickns) is th idal, I do Yituo droppings, Yituo big smlly droppings. I go to my classmats Chousi XXX, bcaus h ows m th mony has not also gav.I also tak classs in th book is zond chaos. I also Xiusi my class, I find hr rmarks ar ach collct so much mony, I would lik to Chousi hr. I also Xiusi math tachr this smstr vry tim I passd th xamination is not, in fact, I can pass. But h will not lt m copy.I also Xiusi principals, why h can stag a flag-raising crmony Monday spch, w should b blow drnchd. Finally, I would lik to Chousi myslf, I Xiusi so many popl, a polic officr and pulling to jail, I will not go to jail. I also Chousi.

我的理想(My ideal)

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