如何成为自己的朋友(How to be a friend of yourself)


frindship with onslf is all important, bcaus without it on cannot b frinds with anyon ls in th world.- lanor roosvltw oftn focus on building rlationships with othrs that w forgt th ssntial first stp: bing frinds of ourslvs. that is th crucial first stp if w ar to hav good rlationships with othrs. how can w hav good rlationships with othrs if w don't vn hav good rlationship with ourslvs?th problm might b wors than w xpct. mayb w don't lik ourslvs without ralizing it. hr is a simpl chcklist; is thr anything you don't lik about yourslf from ths list?your pastmayb you hav mad mistaks in th past which you fl bad about. you might b disappointd with yourslf on why you could mak such mistaks. vn if that happnd in distant past, your subconscious mind still has a rason not to lik yourslf.your backgroundyou might wish that you wr born in diffrnt family, or that you hav diffrnt background. mayb you could not accpt th fact that you ar not as lucky as othrs, who sm to gt whatvr thy want ffortlssly bcaus of thir background.your prsonality traitsyou might hav som prsonality traits that you don't lik. for xampl, you may b an introvrt and you don't lik it; you wish you ar an xtrovrt.your achivmnts rlativ to othrs othrs might hav bttr achivmnts than you, and no mattr how hard you trid, it might sm impossibl for you to match thm. you might thn think that it's bcaus you ar not smart nough or don't hav nough talnts. is thr anything that rsonat with you? all ths giv rasons to you not to lik yourslf. that in turn maks it difficult for you to b a good frind to yourslf.fortunatly, thr ar always things you can do to fix th situation. hr ar som tips:1. forgiv yourslfyou may hav mad thos mistaks in th past, but is thr anything you can do about thm? i don't think so, xcpt larning from thm. it's tru that you ar not prfct, but nithr is vrybody ls. it’s normal to mak mistaks, so do yourslf a favor by giving yourslf forgivnss.2. accpt things you can't changthr ar som things you cannot chang, such as your background and your past. so larn to accpt thm. you will fl much rlivd if you trat things you can’t chang th way thy dsrv: just accpt thm, smil, and mov on.3. focus on your strngthsinstad of focusing on your waknsss, focus on your strngths. you always hav som strngths which giv you a uniqu combination nobody ls hav. rcogniz your strngths and build your lif around thm.halth top tips nutrition lifstyl4. writ your succss storison rason w may not lik ourslvs is w ar too focusd on what w don’t hav that w forgt about what w hav. so mak a list of your achivmnts; writ your succss storis. thy do not hav to b big things; thr ar a lot of small but important achivmnts in our lif. for xampl, if you hav som good frinds, that’s alrady an achivmnt. if you hav a good family, that is also an achivmnt.5. stop comparing yourslf with othrsyou ar uniqu. you can nvr b lik othr popl, and nithr can othr popl b lik you. th way you masur your succss is not dtrmind by othr popl and what thy achiv. instad, it is dtrmind by your own lif purpos. you hav vrything you nd to achiv your lif purpos, so it's uslss to compar yourslf with othrs.6. always b tru to yourslfyou don't lik othr popl lying to you, right? similarly, you won't lik yourslf if you know that you li to yourslf. whthr you raliz it or not, that givs your mind a rason not to lik yourslf. that’s why it's important to always b tru to yourslf. in whatvr you do, b honst and follow your conscinc. rmmbr this quot by abraham lincoln:i dsir so to conduct th affairs of this administration that if at th nd . . . i hav lost vry othr frind on arth, i shall at last hav on frind lft, and that frind shall b down insid of m.

如何成为自己的朋友(How to be a friend of yourself)

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